John has been involved in various design projects over may years but more recently has completed a number of large sculpture. Initially his work was for the large iconic garden he and his late wife Sal developed on their property at Haumoana. He has had two very successful showings at the Round Pond Wild Flower Exhibition in Hastings which have resulted in ongoing commission work. John is currently setting up a website showing all his work.

At his most pretentious he calls himself  ‘ a whimsical fabricator of the found’ as his work is executed from interesting discarded material that he encounters on his travels.

John’s sculptures are inspired by Strelitzia flowers. The pair stand  3.1m high and are constructed from solid fiber-glass off cuts from frost protection wind machine blades, woven stainless steel pressure tube and mild steel. As a pair they make a stunning addition to a vista but can also be purchased individually.